CD Number [336]
Published [13/09/2012]
Compilation, recording and accompanying notes:
Peyman Bozorgniya
This collection includes 19 performances of the most famous Shahname Singers who some of them have passed away and a few recorded materials are left from their works. Sahhname singing is the most important style of epic songs in Lor tribes, so that in every tent or in every house in the village a book of shahname exists. Shahname Singers first learnt shahname in Maktabkhanes or from the masters of their tribes and they gave the same lessons to their students,they considered shahname singing as the first step in raising their children. Some titles of this collection are: "The Story of Ashkbus", "Qasam-name of Zal's Son", "Borzu-name", "Shahname-khani of Boyerahmadi", "The Story of Siavash", and "Laki Shahname Singing".